GM/player broadcast

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GM/player broadcast

Postby elcotek » Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:25 pm

the Changed Broatcast is a better way to seperate players and GMS in the broat, you can now see wehere realms speek in the broat.

Staff: member.Names | Realm : member.Names

usefull for GM and Players

this work 100% and is active on Brotherland Classic

have fun :wink:
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/* * DAWN OF LIGHT - The first free open source DAoC server emulator * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ // changed by Elcotek: add Realms/Staff in seperate lists and let see gms all message in the broatchat using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using DOL.Language; using DOL.GS; using DOL.GS.ServerProperties; using DOL.GS.PacketHandler; namespace DOL.GS.Commands { [CmdAttribute( "&broadcast", new string[] { "&b" }, ePrivLevel.Player, "Broadcast something to other players in the same zone", "/b <message>")] public class BroadcastCommandHandler : AbstractCommandHandler, ICommandHandler { private enum eBroadcastType : int { Area = 1, Visible = 2, Zone = 3, Region = 4, Realm = 5, Server = 6, } public void OnCommand(GameClient client, string[] args) { const string BROAD_TICK = "Broad_Tick"; if (args.Length < 2) { DisplayMessage(client, LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(client, "Scripts.Players.Broadcast.NoText")); return; } if (client.Player.IsMuted) { client.Player.Out.SendMessage("You have been muted. You cannot broadcast.", eChatType.CT_Staff, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); return; } string message = string.Join(" ", args, 1, args.Length - 1); long BroadTick = client.Player.TempProperties.getProperty<long>(BROAD_TICK); if (BroadTick > 0 && BroadTick - client.Player.CurrentRegion.Time <= 0) { client.Player.TempProperties.removeProperty(BROAD_TICK); } long changeTime = client.Player.CurrentRegion.Time - BroadTick; if (changeTime < 800 && BroadTick > 0) { client.Player.Out.SendMessage("Slow down! Think before you say each word!", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); client.Player.TempProperties.setProperty(BROAD_TICK, client.Player.CurrentRegion.Time); return; } Broadcast(client.Player, message); client.Player.TempProperties.setProperty(BROAD_TICK, client.Player.CurrentRegion.Time); } string realms = ""; private void Broadcast(GamePlayer player, string message) { //add Player Realms to the list foreach (GamePlayer p in GetTargets(player)) { if (player.Client.Account.PrivLevel == (int)ePrivLevel.Player) { if (player.Realm == eRealm.Albion) realms = "Albion "; if (player.Realm == eRealm.Hibernia) realms = "Hibernia "; if (player.Realm == eRealm.Midgard) realms = "Midgard "; } //add the Staff to the list else if (player.Client.Account.PrivLevel >= (int)ePrivLevel.GM) { realms = "Staff "; } if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToUnderstand(p, player) || p.Client.Account.PrivLevel == (int)ePrivLevel.GM || ((eBroadcastType)ServerProperties.Properties.BROADCAST_TYPE == eBroadcastType.Server)) { p.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(player.Client, "Scripts.Players.Broadcast.Message", realms + player.Name, message), eChatType.CT_Broadcast, eChatLoc.CL_ChatWindow); } } } private ArrayList GetTargets(GamePlayer player) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); eBroadcastType type = 0; if (player.Client.Account.PrivLevel >= (int)ePrivLevel.GM) { eBroadcastType type1 = eBroadcastType.Server; type = type1; } if (player.Client.Account.PrivLevel == (int)ePrivLevel.Player) { eBroadcastType type2 = (eBroadcastType)ServerProperties.Properties.BROADCAST_TYPE; type = type2; } switch (type) { case eBroadcastType.Area: { bool found = false; foreach (AbstractArea area in player.CurrentAreas) { if (area.CanBroadcast) { found = true; foreach (GameClient thisClient in WorldMgr.GetClientsOfRegion(player.CurrentRegionID)) { if (thisClient.Player.CurrentAreas.Contains(area)) { list.Add(thisClient.Player); } } } } if (!found) { player.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(player.Client, "Scripts.Players.Broadcast.NoHere"), eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } break; } case eBroadcastType.Realm: { foreach (GameClient thisClient in WorldMgr.GetClientsOfRealm(player.Realm)) { if (thisClient.Account.PrivLevel == (int)ePrivLevel.Player) //add all players of a Realm list.Add(thisClient.Player); } foreach (GameClient thisClient in WorldMgr.GetAllPlayingClients()) { if (thisClient.Account.PrivLevel >= (int)ePrivLevel.GM) list.Add(thisClient.Player); //add all players to the GM list } break; } case eBroadcastType.Region: { foreach (GameClient thisClient in WorldMgr.GetClientsOfRegion(player.CurrentRegionID)) { list.Add(thisClient.Player); } break; } case eBroadcastType.Server: { foreach (GameClient thisClient in WorldMgr.GetAllPlayingClients()) { list.Add(thisClient.Player); } break; } case eBroadcastType.Visible: { foreach (GamePlayer p in player.GetPlayersInRadius(WorldMgr.VISIBILITY_DISTANCE)) { list.Add(p); } break; } case eBroadcastType.Zone: { foreach (GameClient thisClient in WorldMgr.GetClientsOfRegion(player.CurrentRegionID)) { if (thisClient.Player.CurrentZone == player.CurrentZone) { list.Add(thisClient.Player); } } break; } } return list; } } }
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