[SVN:3343~3344] NPC/WorldUpdateThread Revamp

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[SVN:3343~3344] NPC/WorldUpdateThread Revamp

Postby Leodagan » Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:33 am

Since I've gone through Darwin branch modification for 1.112+ packet support, I've seen some new behavior in WorldUpdate/NPCUpdate Thread that forced me to look around how is working this thread.

To explain clearly, in .112+ Darwin implemented some kind of Player Position "Echo", if a player doesn't send a position packet for more than 1 second, the last position packet is re-sent with broadcast (should be painless for standing player, but it can be ugly for moving players...) to prevent other gameclient from deleting Player Object after some kind of "Timeout"...

It's the same behavior as for NPC update, with 1.110+ if the NPC refresh rate is over 15 seconds, NPC will start disappearing from the client, and will need new create packet, some kind of "Object Alive Timeout".

Well I don't know if this is really needed for Player Packet, and in my current implementation I only use this for 1.112+ client, but it would be easy to remove this "if statement" and allow to enable this broadcast for any client version (if a Player did not send a position packet since more than 1 second, there is a great chance he is really lagging or going LD...)

That forced me to clean up the world update thread as it was pretty "plain and ugly" and it's some kind of really important thread of DOL ! This will also need some new PacketLib Method to build a Player Position Packet from current Server State instead of sending the last packet over and over (I think most "Anti-Lag" Forged Position Packet should display the player in a standing state, just preventing from registering out of other Player Client, and clearly showing there is some kind of lag issue with this player)

Appart from just rewriting World Update Thread, I made an entire class that can be customized, this loop needed more "Object Oriented" code, and I took the risk of using the ThreadTask Factory...

I know threading is most of the time really dangerous, but this update Thread was totally monothread and it's complexity rely on player count, so it's really not scalable actually.

So the new Thread I made will try to make "snapshots" of current server collections (Client List, Region Objects, NPC...) to prevent "locks" and make them atomic, and will query most "object states" in real time like any server script, as the updates are asynchronously deferred to background running multiple thread, I can't really expect the time they will run, their priority or the time they finish, with the short states that use DAOC object (mostly byte or short) there is low chance of reading a wrong value, and I hope that most properties are thread safe at least for reading :)

To be sure of thread safety I switched from Update BitArray collection to track status of player sent object to GameClient Concurrent Collection (this is totally a Packet Tracking Collection, it should be in GameClient from the start !!), each player world update is launched in a threaded task so the scalability is (PlayerCount/Processor Number), and the world update loop will not allow 2 tasks to be run on the same player, the time completion is logged around each task and around the total time spent in starting tasks.

I moved out the Packet Tracking from all of GameObject Methods to PackeLib Methods and GameClient Methods, now the updates will be tracked according to the packetlib calls to "UpdateObject" or other "CreateObject" methods and cleaned by the WorldUpdateThread, trying to get Packet or Network Logic out of Game assets !

Enough talking here is a preliminary implementation :
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using System; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using log4net; using DOL.GS.PacketHandler; using DOL.GS.Housing; namespace DOL.GS { /// <summary> /// Description of WorldUpdateThread. /// </summary> public static class WorldUpdateThread { /// <summary> /// Defines a logger for this class. /// </summary> private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); /// <summary> /// Minimum Player Update Loop Refresh Rate. (ms) /// </summary> private static readonly uint MIN_PLAYER_WORLD_UPDATE_RATE = 50; /// <summary> /// Minimum NPC Update Loop Refresh Rate. (ms) /// </summary> private static readonly uint MIN_NPC_UPDATE_RATE = 1000; /// <summary> /// Minimum Static Item Update Loop Refresh Rate. (ms) /// </summary> private static readonly uint MIN_ITEM_UPDATE_RATE = 10000; /// <summary> /// Minimum Player Position Update Loop Refresh Rate. (ms) /// </summary> private static readonly uint MIN_PLAYER_UPDATE_RATE = 1000; /// <summary> /// Get the Player World Update Refresh Rate. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static uint GetPlayerWorldUpdateInterval() { return Math.Max(ServerProperties.Properties.WORLD_PLAYER_UPDATE_INTERVAL, MIN_PLAYER_WORLD_UPDATE_RATE); } /// <summary> /// Get Player NPC Refresh Rate. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static uint GetPlayerNPCUpdateInterval() { return Math.Max(ServerProperties.Properties.WORLD_NPC_UPDATE_INTERVAL, MIN_NPC_UPDATE_RATE); } /// <summary> /// Get Player Static Item Refresh Rate. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static uint GetPlayerItemUpdateInterval() { return Math.Max(ServerProperties.Properties.WORLD_OBJECT_UPDATE_INTERVAL, MIN_ITEM_UPDATE_RATE); } /// <summary> /// Get Player to Other Player Update Rate /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static uint GetPlayertoPlayerUpdateInterval() { return Math.Max(ServerProperties.Properties.WORLD_PLAYERTOPLAYER_UPDATE_INTERVAL, MIN_PLAYER_UPDATE_RATE); } /// <summary> /// Update all World Around Player /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The player needing update</param> private static void UpdatePlayerWorld(GamePlayer player) { UpdatePlayerWorld(player, GameTimer.GetTickCount()); } /// <summary> /// Update all World Around Player /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The player needing update</param> /// <param name="nowTicks">The actual time of the refresh.</param> private static void UpdatePlayerWorld(GamePlayer player, long nowTicks) { // Update Player Player's if (ServerProperties.Properties.WORLD_PLAYERTOPLAYER_UPDATE_INTERVAL > 0) UpdatePlayerOtherPlayers(player, nowTicks); // Update Player Mob's if (ServerProperties.Properties.WORLD_NPC_UPDATE_INTERVAL > 0) UpdatePlayerNPCs(player, nowTicks); // Update Player Static Item if (ServerProperties.Properties.WORLD_OBJECT_UPDATE_INTERVAL > 0) UpdatePlayerItems(player, nowTicks); // Update Player Doors if (ServerProperties.Properties.WORLD_OBJECT_UPDATE_INTERVAL > 0) UpdatePlayerDoors(player, nowTicks); // Update Player Housing if (ServerProperties.Properties.WORLD_OBJECT_UPDATE_INTERVAL > 0) UpdatePlayerHousing(player, nowTicks); } private static void UpdatePlayerOtherPlayers(GamePlayer player, long nowTicks) { // only for 1.112+ Client if (player.Client == null || player.Client.Version < GameClient.eClientVersion.Version1112) { return; } // Get All Player in Range List<GamePlayer> players = new List<GamePlayer>(); foreach (GamePlayer p in player.GetPlayersInRadius(WorldMgr.VISIBILITY_DISTANCE)) { if (p != null && p.IsVisibleTo(player) && (!p.IsStealthed || player.CanDetect(p))) players.Add(p); } try { // Clean Cache foreach (Tuple<ushort, ushort> objKey in player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.Keys) { GameObject obj = WorldMgr.GetRegion(objKey.Item1).GetObject(objKey.Item2); // We have a Player in cache that is not in vincinity // For updating "out of view" we allow a halved refresh time. if (obj is GamePlayer && !players.Contains((GamePlayer)obj) && (nowTicks - player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray[new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(obj.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)obj.ObjectID)]) > (GetPlayertoPlayerUpdateInterval() >> 1)) { long dummy; // Update him out of View and delete from cache if (obj.IsVisibleTo(player) && (((GamePlayer)obj).IsStealthed == false || player.CanDetect((GamePlayer)obj))) player.Client.Out.SendPlayerForgedPosition((GamePlayer)obj); player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.TryRemove(new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(obj.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)obj.ObjectID), out dummy); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while Cleaning OtherPlayers cache for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } try { // Now Send Remaining Players. foreach (GamePlayer lplayer in players) { GamePlayer otherply = lplayer; if (otherply != null && otherply != player) { // Get last update time long lastUpdate; if (player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.TryGetValue(new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(otherply.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)otherply.ObjectID), out lastUpdate)) { // This Player Needs Update if ((nowTicks - lastUpdate) >= GetPlayertoPlayerUpdateInterval()) { player.Client.Out.SendPlayerForgedPosition(otherply); } } else { player.Client.Out.SendPlayerForgedPosition(otherply); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while updating OtherPlayers for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } } /// <summary> /// Send Mobs Update to Player depending on last refresh time. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"></param> /// <param name="nowTicks"></param> private static void UpdatePlayerNPCs(GamePlayer player, long nowTicks) { // Get All Mobs in Range List<GameNPC> npcs = new List<GameNPC>(); foreach (GameNPC n in player.GetNPCsInRadius(WorldMgr.VISIBILITY_DISTANCE)) { if (n != null && n.IsVisibleTo(player)) npcs.Add(n); } try { // Clean Cache foreach (Tuple<ushort, ushort> objKey in player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.Keys) { GameObject obj = WorldMgr.GetRegion(objKey.Item1).GetObject(objKey.Item2); // We have a NPC in cache that is not in vincinity if (obj is GameNPC && !npcs.Contains((GameNPC)obj) && (nowTicks - player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray[new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(obj.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)obj.ObjectID)]) > (GetPlayerNPCUpdateInterval() >> 1)) { long dummy; // Update him out of View if (obj.IsVisibleTo(player)) player.Client.Out.SendObjectUpdate(obj); // this will add the object to the cache again, remove it after sending... player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.TryRemove(new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(obj.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)obj.ObjectID), out dummy); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while Cleaning NPC cache for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } try { // Now Send remaining npcs foreach (GameNPC lnpc in npcs) { GameNPC npc = lnpc; // Get last update time long lastUpdate; if (player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.TryGetValue(new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(npc.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)npc.ObjectID), out lastUpdate)) { // This NPC Needs Update if ((nowTicks - lastUpdate) >= GetPlayerNPCUpdateInterval()) { player.Client.Out.SendObjectUpdate(npc); } } else { // Not in cache, Object entering in range, sending update will add it to cache. player.Client.Out.SendObjectUpdate(npc); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while updating NPC for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } } /// <summary> /// Send Game Static Item depending on last refresh time /// </summary> /// <param name="player"></param> /// <param name="nowTicks"></param> private static void UpdatePlayerItems(GamePlayer player, long nowTicks) { // Get All Static Item in Range List<GameStaticItem> objs = new List<GameStaticItem>(); foreach (GameStaticItem i in player.GetItemsInRadius(WorldMgr.OBJ_UPDATE_DISTANCE)) { if (i != null && i.IsVisibleTo(player)) objs.Add(i); } try { // Clean Cache foreach (Tuple<ushort, ushort> objKey in player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.Keys) { GameObject obj = WorldMgr.GetRegion(objKey.Item1).GetObject(objKey.Item2); // We have a Static Item in cache that is not in vincinity if (obj is GameStaticItem && !objs.Contains((GameStaticItem)obj) && (nowTicks - player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray[new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(obj.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)obj.ObjectID)]) > (GetPlayerItemUpdateInterval() >> 1)) { long dummy; player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.TryRemove(new Tuple<ushort,ushort>(obj.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)obj.ObjectID), out dummy); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while Cleaning Static Item cache for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } try { // Now Send remaining objects foreach (GameStaticItem lobj in objs) { GameStaticItem staticObj = lobj; // Get last update time long lastUpdate; if (player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.TryGetValue(new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(staticObj.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)staticObj.ObjectID), out lastUpdate)) { // This Static Object Needs Update if ((nowTicks - lastUpdate) >= GetPlayerItemUpdateInterval()) { player.Client.Out.SendObjectCreate(staticObj); } } else { // Not in cache, Object entering in range, sending update will add it to cache player.Client.Out.SendObjectCreate(staticObj); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while updating Static Item for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } } /// <summary> /// Send Game Doors Depening on last refresh time. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"></param> /// <param name="nowTicks"></param> private static void UpdatePlayerDoors(GamePlayer player, long nowTicks) { // Get All Game Doors in Range List<IDoor> doors = new List<IDoor>(); foreach (IDoor d in player.GetDoorsInRadius(WorldMgr.OBJ_UPDATE_DISTANCE)) { if((d is GameObject) && ((GameObject)d).IsVisibleTo(player)) doors.Add(d); } try { // Clean Cache foreach (Tuple<ushort,ushort> objKey in player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.Keys) { GameObject obj = WorldMgr.GetRegion(objKey.Item1).GetObject(objKey.Item2); // We have a Door in cache that is not in vincinity if (obj is IDoor && !doors.Contains((IDoor)obj) && (nowTicks - player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray[new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(obj.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)obj.ObjectID)]) > (GetPlayerItemUpdateInterval() >> 1)) { long dummy; player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.TryRemove(new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(obj.CurrentRegionID, (ushort)obj.ObjectID), out dummy); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while Cleaning Doors cache for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } try { // Now Send remaining doors foreach (IDoor ldoor in doors) { IDoor door = ldoor; if(!(door is GameObject)) continue; // Get last update time long lastUpdate; if (player.Client.GameObjectUpdateArray.TryGetValue(new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(((GameObject)door).CurrentRegionID, (ushort)door.ObjectID), out lastUpdate)) { // This Door Needs Update if ((nowTicks - lastUpdate) >= GetPlayerItemUpdateInterval()) { player.SendDoorUpdate(door); } } else { // Not in cache, Door entering in range, sending update will add it to cache. player.SendDoorUpdate(door); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while updating Doors for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } } /// <summary> /// Send Housing Items depending on last refresh. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"></param> /// <param name="nowTicks"></param> private static void UpdatePlayerHousing(GamePlayer player, long nowTicks) { // If no house update needed exit. if (player.CurrentRegion == null || !player.CurrentRegion.HousingEnabled) { return; } // Get All House in Region IDictionary<int, House> housesDict = HouseMgr.GetHouses(player.CurrentRegionID); List<House> houses = new List<House>(); // Build Vincinity List foreach(House h in housesDict.Values) { House house = h; if (house != null && player.IsWithinRadius(house, HousingConstants.HouseViewingDistance)) { houses.Add(house); } } try { // Clean Cache foreach (Tuple<ushort, ushort> houseKey in player.Client.HouseUpdateArray.Keys) { House house = HouseMgr.GetHouse(houseKey.Item1, houseKey.Item2); // We have a House in cache that is not in vincinity if (!houses.Contains(house) && (nowTicks - player.Client.HouseUpdateArray[new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(house.RegionID, (ushort)house.HouseNumber)]) > (GetPlayerItemUpdateInterval() >> 1)) { long dummy; player.Client.HouseUpdateArray.TryRemove(new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(house.RegionID, (ushort)house.HouseNumber), out dummy); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while Cleaning House cache for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } try { // Now Send remaining houses foreach (House lhouse in houses) { House house = lhouse; // Get last update time long lastUpdate; if (player.Client.HouseUpdateArray.TryGetValue(new Tuple<ushort, ushort>(house.RegionID, (ushort)house.HouseNumber), out lastUpdate)) { // This House Needs Update if ((nowTicks - lastUpdate) >= GetPlayerItemUpdateInterval()) { player.Client.Out.SendHouse(house); player.Client.Out.SendGarden(house); if (house.IsOccupied) { player.Client.Out.SendHouseOccupied(house, true); } } } else { // Not in cache, House entering in range ! player.Client.Out.SendHouse(house); player.Client.Out.SendGarden(house); if (house.IsOccupied) { player.Client.Out.SendHouseOccupied(house, true); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error while updating Houses for Player : {0}, Exception : {1}", player.Name, e); } } /// <summary> /// Check if this player can be updated /// </summary> /// <param name="player"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static bool PlayerNeedUpdate(long lastUpdate) { return (GameTimer.GetTickCount() - lastUpdate) >= GetPlayerWorldUpdateInterval(); } /// <summary> /// This thread updates the NPCs and objects around the player at very short /// intervalls! But since the update is very quick the thread will /// sleep most of the time! /// </summary> public static void WorldUpdateThreadStart() { /// Tasks Collection of running Player updates, with starting time. Dictionary<GameClient, Tuple<long, Task, Region>> clientsUpdateTasks = new Dictionary<GameClient, Tuple<long, Task, Region>>(); bool running = true; if (log.IsInfoEnabled) { log.InfoFormat("World Update Thread Starting - ThreadId = {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); } while (running) { try { // Start Time of the loop long begin = GameTimer.GetTickCount(); // Get All Clients IList<GameClient> clients = WorldMgr.GetAllClients(); // Clean Tasks Dict on Client Exiting. List<GameClient> cachedClients = new List<GameClient>(clientsUpdateTasks.Keys); foreach(GameClient cli in cachedClients) { if (cli == null) continue; if (!clients.Contains(cli)) { clientsUpdateTasks.Remove(cli); cli.GameObjectUpdateArray.Clear(); cli.HouseUpdateArray.Clear(); } } // Browse all clients to check if they can be updated. for (int cl = 0; cl < clients.Count; cl++) { GameClient client = clients[cl]; // Check that client is healthy if (client == null) { continue; } GamePlayer player = client.Player; if (client.ClientState == GameClient.eClientState.Playing && player == null) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error("account has no active player but is playing, disconnecting! => " + client.Account.Name); } // Disconnect buggy Client GameServer.Instance.Disconnect(client); continue; } // Check that player is active. if (client.ClientState != GameClient.eClientState.Playing || player == null || player.ObjectState != GameObject.eObjectState.Active) { continue; } // Check for existing Task Tuple<long, Task, Region> clientEntry; if(!clientsUpdateTasks.TryGetValue(client, out clientEntry)) { // Client not in tasks, create it and run it ! clientEntry = new Tuple<long, Task, Region>(begin, new Task( () => UpdatePlayerWorld(player) ), player.CurrentRegion); // Register. clientsUpdateTasks.Add(client, clientEntry); // Start and continue loop clientEntry.Item2.Start(); } else { // Get client entry data. long lastUpdate = clientEntry.Item1; Task taskEntry = clientEntry.Item2; Region lastRegion = clientEntry.Item3; //Check if task finished if (!taskEntry.IsCompleted) { // Check for how long if ((begin - lastUpdate) > GetPlayerWorldUpdateInterval()) { if (log.IsWarnEnabled && (GameTimer.GetTickCount() - player.TempProperties.getProperty<long>("LAST_WORLD_UPDATE_THREAD_WARNING", 0) >= 1000)) log.WarnFormat("Player Update Task ({0}) Taking more than world update refresh rate : {1} ms (real {2} ms) - Task Status : {3}!", player.Name, GetPlayerWorldUpdateInterval(), begin - lastUpdate, taskEntry.Status); player.TempProperties.setProperty("LAST_WORLD_UPDATE_THREAD_WARNING", GameTimer.GetTickCount()); } // Continue loop continue; } // Display Exception if (taskEntry.IsFaulted) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Error in World Update Thread, Player Task ({0})! Exception : {1}", player.Name, taskEntry.Exception); } // Region Refresh if (player.CurrentRegion != lastRegion) { if (client.GameObjectUpdateArray != null) client.GameObjectUpdateArray.Clear(); if (client.HouseUpdateArray != null) client.HouseUpdateArray.Clear(); lastUpdate = 0; lastRegion = player.CurrentRegion; } // If this player need update. if (PlayerNeedUpdate(lastUpdate)) { // Update Time, Region and Create Task Tuple<long, Task, Region> newClientEntry = new Tuple<long, Task, Region>(begin, new Task( () => UpdatePlayerWorld(player) ), lastRegion); // Register Tuple clientsUpdateTasks[client] = newClientEntry; // Start Task newClientEntry.Item2.Start(); } } } long took = GameTimer.GetTickCount() - begin; if (took >= 500) { if (log.IsWarnEnabled) log.WarnFormat("World Update Thread (NPC/Object update) took {0} ms", took); } // relaunch update thread every 50 ms to check if any player need updates. Thread.Sleep((int)Math.Max(1, 50 - took)); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("World Update Thread stopping..."); running = false; break; } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.Error("Error in World Update (NPC/Object Update) Thread!", e); } } } } }
using these collections in GameClient :
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/// <summary> /// Get the Game Object Update Array (Read/Write) /// </summary> public ConcurrentDictionary<Tuple<ushort, ushort>, long> GameObjectUpdateArray { get { return m_GameObjectUpdateArray; } } /// <summary> /// Get the House Update Array (Read/Write) /// </summary> public ConcurrentDictionary<Tuple<ushort, ushort>, long> HouseUpdateArray { get { return m_HouseUpdateArray; } }
Edit : updated code with TODO finished...
Last edited by Leodagan on Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [UPDATE] NPC/WorldUpdateThread Revamp

Postby Leodagan » Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:52 am

Added Preliminary new World Update Thread Support in DOL SVN Revision 3338.

Can be easily undone, mostly "dead code" added for now...
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Re: [UPDATE] NPC/WorldUpdateThread Revamp

Postby Graveen » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:48 am

You're welcome, good job.
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Re: [UPDATE] NPC/WorldUpdateThread Revamp

Postby Leodagan » Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:15 am

It's been added to revision 3344 to handle v1.115 behavior.

Some tests show that even if the code is meant to be heavier (Thread Handling, Syncing, Packet Tracking with time instead of BitArray) it's way shorter than the previous update code because it only handles Thread Scheduling.

and where previous code was updating whole array of objects each time it run, there updates are fine grain (each object is tested to check if update is needed) thus it makes less "Network Burst" (is network stack slower than iterating a collection ?)

This could still be an issue if someone want to run DOL on a old computer (Using threads if there is only one CPU is not really efficient), or maybe even for people trying to run this on ARM :D
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