Twohand Styledamage Variance

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Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Carnifexe » Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:47 pm


There is a HUGE variance in the twohand damage calculation this was for all three realms also Alb / Mid / Hib
Test toons was
Champion/Hero 50 Largeweapon
Warrior/Skald 50 Axe

Weaponskill was around 1700
50 in the weapon line
~320 Str

after i made just for fun my stat to 500 str the damage was without any variance anyone can tel me where i can handle the variance or better how do it stop it and where to find the twohand variance calculation
i think im blind as hell after search it since 7 hours and change hours of hours some code nothing helps well
Code: Select all
protected virtual AttackData MakeAttack(GameObject target, InventoryItem weapon, Style style, double effectiveness, int interruptDuration, bool dualWield, bool ignoreLOS) { AttackData ad = new AttackData(); ad.Attacker = this; ad.Target = target as GameLiving; ad.Damage = 0; ad.CriticalDamage = 0; ad.Style = style; ad.WeaponSpeed = AttackSpeed(weapon) / 100; ad.DamageType = AttackDamageType(weapon); ad.ArmorHitLocation = eArmorSlot.NOTSET; ad.Weapon = weapon; ad.IsOffHand = weapon == null ? false : weapon.Hand == 2; if (dualWield) ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.MeleeDualWield; else if (weapon == null) ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.MeleeOneHand; else switch (weapon.Item_Type) { default: case Slot.RIGHTHAND: case Slot.LEFTHAND: ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.MeleeOneHand; break; case Slot.TWOHAND: ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.MeleeTwoHand; break; case Slot.RANGED: ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.Ranged; break; } //No target, stop the attack if (ad.Target == null) { ad.AttackResult = (target == null) ? eAttackResult.NoTarget : eAttackResult.NoValidTarget; return ad; } // check region if (ad.Target.CurrentRegionID != CurrentRegionID || ad.Target.ObjectState != eObjectState.Active) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.NoValidTarget; return ad; } //Check if the target is in front of attacker if (!ignoreLOS && ad.AttackType != AttackData.eAttackType.Ranged && this is GamePlayer && !(ad.Target is GameKeepComponent) && !(IsObjectInFront(ad.Target, 120, true) && TargetInView)) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.TargetNotVisible; return ad; } //Target is dead already if (!ad.Target.IsAlive) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.TargetDead; return ad; } //We have no attacking distance! if (!this.IsWithinRadius(ad.Target, ad.Target.ActiveWeaponSlot == eActiveWeaponSlot.Standard ? Math.Max(AttackRange, ad.Target.AttackRange) : AttackRange)) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.OutOfRange; return ad; } if (RangedAttackType == eRangedAttackType.Long) { RangedAttackType = eRangedAttackType.Normal; } if (!GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToAttack(ad.Attacker, ad.Target, false)) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.NotAllowed_ServerRules; return ad; } if (SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(this, "Phaseshift") != null) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.Phaseshift; return ad; } // Apply Mentalist RA5L SelectiveBlindnessEffect SelectiveBlindness = EffectList.GetOfType<SelectiveBlindnessEffect>(); if (SelectiveBlindness != null) { GameLiving EffectOwner = SelectiveBlindness.EffectSource; if (EffectOwner == ad.Target) { if (this is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)this).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)this).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.InvisibleToYou"), ad.Target.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.NoValidTarget; return ad; } } // DamageImmunity Ability if ((GameLiving)target != null && ((GameLiving)target).HasAbility("DamageImmunity")) { //if (ad.Attacker is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)ad.Attacker).Out.SendMessage(string.Format("{0} can't be attacked!", ad.Target.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.NoValidTarget; return ad; } //Calculate our attack result and attack damage ad.AttackResult = ad.Target.CalculateEnemyAttackResult(ad, weapon); // calculate damage only if we hit the target if (ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitUnstyled || ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitStyle) { double damage = AttackDamage(weapon) * effectiveness; if (Level > ServerProperties.Properties.MOB_DAMAGE_INCREASE_STARTLEVEL && ServerProperties.Properties.MOB_DAMAGE_INCREASE_PERLEVEL > 0 && damage > 0 && this is GameNPC && (this as GameNPC).Brain is IControlledBrain == false) { double modifiedDamage = ServerProperties.Properties.MOB_DAMAGE_INCREASE_PERLEVEL * (Level - ServerProperties.Properties.MOB_DAMAGE_INCREASE_STARTLEVEL); damage += (modifiedDamage * effectiveness); } InventoryItem armor = null; if (ad.Target.Inventory != null) armor = ad.Target.Inventory.GetItem((eInventorySlot)ad.ArmorHitLocation); InventoryItem weaponTypeToUse = null; if (weapon != null) { weaponTypeToUse = new InventoryItem(); weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = weapon.Object_Type; weaponTypeToUse.SlotPosition = weapon.SlotPosition; if ((this is GamePlayer) && Realm == eRealm.Albion) { // Albion dual spec penalty, which sets minimum damage to the base damage spec if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsObjectTypesEqual((eObjectType)weapon.Object_Type, eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon) || GameServer.ServerRules.IsObjectTypesEqual((eObjectType)weapon.Object_Type, eObjectType.PolearmWeapon)) { if (weapon.Type_Damage == (int)eDamageType.Crush) { weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = (int)eObjectType.CrushingWeapon; } else if (weapon.Type_Damage == (int)eDamageType.Slash) { weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = (int)eObjectType.SlashingWeapon; } else { weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = (int)eObjectType.ThrustWeapon; } } } } int lowerboundary = (WeaponSpecLevel(weaponTypeToUse) - 1) * 50 / (ad.Target.EffectiveLevel + 1) + 75; lowerboundary = Math.Max(lowerboundary, 75); //75 lowerboundary = Math.Min(lowerboundary, 125); //125 damage *= (GetWeaponSkill(weapon) + 90.68) / (ad.Target.GetArmorAF(ad.ArmorHitLocation) + 20 * 4.67); // Badge Of Valor Calculation 1+ absorb or 1- absorb if (ad.Attacker.EffectList.GetOfType<BadgeOfValorEffect>() != null) { damage *= 1.0 + Math.Min(0.85, ad.Target.GetArmorAbsorb(ad.ArmorHitLocation)); } else { damage *= 1.0 - Math.Min(0.85, ad.Target.GetArmorAbsorb(ad.ArmorHitLocation)); } damage *= (lowerboundary + Util.Random(50)) * 0.01; ad.Modifier = (int)(damage * (ad.Target.GetResist(ad.DamageType) + SkillBase.GetArmorResist(armor, ad.DamageType)) * -0.01); damage += ad.Modifier; // RA resist check int resist = (int)(damage * ad.Target.GetDamageResist(GetResistTypeForDamage(ad.DamageType)) * -0.01); eProperty property = ad.Target.GetResistTypeForDamage(ad.DamageType); int secondaryResistModifier = ad.Target.SpecBuffBonusCategory[(int)property]; int resistModifier = 0; resistModifier += (int)((ad.Damage + (double)resistModifier) * (double)secondaryResistModifier * -0.01); damage += resist; damage += resistModifier; ad.Modifier += resist; ad.Damage = (int)damage; // apply total damage cap ad.UncappedDamage = ad.Damage; ad.Damage = Math.Min(ad.Damage, (int)(UnstyledDamageCap(weapon) * effectiveness)); if ((this is GamePlayer || (this is GameNPC && (this as GameNPC).Brain is IControlledBrain && this.Realm != 0)) && target is GamePlayer) { ad.Damage = (int)((double)ad.Damage * ServerProperties.Properties.PVP_MELEE_DAMAGE); } else if ((this is GamePlayer || (this is GameNPC && (this as GameNPC).Brain is IControlledBrain && this.Realm != 0)) && target is GameNPC) { ad.Damage = (int)((double)ad.Damage * ServerProperties.Properties.PVE_MELEE_DAMAGE); } ad.UncappedDamage = ad.Damage; //Eden - Conversion Bonus (Crocodile Ring) - tolakram - critical damage is always 0 here, needs to be moved if (ad.Target is GamePlayer && ad.Target.GetModified(eProperty.Conversion) > 0) { int manaconversion = (int)Math.Round(((double)ad.Damage + (double)ad.CriticalDamage) * (double)ad.Target.GetModified(eProperty.Conversion) / 100); //int enduconversion=(int)Math.Round((double)manaconversion*(double)ad.Target.MaxEndurance/(double)ad.Target.MaxMana); int enduconversion = (int)Math.Round(((double)ad.Damage + (double)ad.CriticalDamage) * (double)ad.Target.GetModified(eProperty.Conversion) / 100); if (ad.Target.Mana + manaconversion > ad.Target.MaxMana) manaconversion = ad.Target.MaxMana - ad.Target.Mana; if (ad.Target.Endurance + enduconversion > ad.Target.MaxEndurance) enduconversion = ad.Target.MaxEndurance - ad.Target.Endurance; if (manaconversion < 1) manaconversion = 0; if (enduconversion < 1) enduconversion = 0; if (manaconversion >= 1) (ad.Target as GamePlayer).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation((ad.Target as GamePlayer).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.GainPowerPoints"), manaconversion), eChatType.CT_Spell, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); if (enduconversion >= 1) (ad.Target as GamePlayer).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation((ad.Target as GamePlayer).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.GainEndurancePoints"), enduconversion), eChatType.CT_Spell, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); ad.Target.Endurance += enduconversion; if (ad.Target.Endurance > ad.Target.MaxEndurance) ad.Target.Endurance = ad.Target.MaxEndurance; ad.Target.Mana += manaconversion; if (ad.Target.Mana > ad.Target.MaxMana) ad.Target.Mana = ad.Target.MaxMana; } // Tolakram - let's go ahead and make it 1 damage rather than spamming a possible error if (ad.Damage == 0) { ad.Damage = 1; // log this as a possible error if we should do some damage to target //if (ad.Target.Level <= Level + 5 && weapon != null) //{ // log.ErrorFormat("Possible Damage Error: {0} Damage = 0 -> miss vs {1}. AttackDamage {2}, weapon name {3}", Name, (ad.Target == null ? "null" : ad.Target.Name), AttackDamage(weapon), (weapon == null ? "None" : weapon.Name)); //} //ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.Missed; } } //Add styled damage if style hits and remove endurance if missed if (StyleProcessor.ExecuteStyle(this, ad, weapon)) { ad.AttackResult = GameLiving.eAttackResult.HitStyle; } if ((ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitUnstyled || ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitStyle)) { ad.CriticalDamage = GetMeleeCriticalDamage(ad, weapon); } // Attacked living may modify the attack data. Primarily used for keep doors and components. ad.Target.ModifyAttack(ad); if (ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitStyle) { if (this is GamePlayer) { GamePlayer player = this as GamePlayer; string damageAmount = (ad.StyleDamage > 0) ? " (+" + ad.StyleDamage + ")" : ""; player.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(player.Client.Account.Language, "StyleProcessor.ExecuteStyle.PerformPerfectly", ad.Style.Name, damageAmount), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } else if (this is GameNPC) { ControlledNpcBrain brain = ((GameNPC)this).Brain as ControlledNpcBrain; if (brain != null) { GamePlayer owner = brain.GetPlayerOwner(); if (owner != null) { string damageAmount = (ad.StyleDamage > 0) ? " (+" + ad.StyleDamage + ")" : ""; owner.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "StyleProcessor.ExecuteStyle.PerformsPerfectly", Name, ad.Style.Name, damageAmount), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } } } } string message = ""; bool broadcast = true; ArrayList excludes = new ArrayList(); excludes.Add(ad.Attacker); excludes.Add(ad.Target); switch (ad.AttackResult) { case eAttackResult.Parried: message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and is parried!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); break; case eAttackResult.Evaded: message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and is evaded!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); break; case eAttackResult.Missed: message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and misses!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); break; case eAttackResult.Blocked: { message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and is blocked!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); // guard messages if (target != null && target != ad.Target) { excludes.Add(target); // another player blocked for real target if (target is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.BlocksYou"), ad.Target.GetName(0, true), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); // blocked for another player if (ad.Target is GamePlayer) { ((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.YouBlock"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, false), target.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); ((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Stealth(false); } } else if (ad.Target is GamePlayer) { ((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.AttacksYou"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } break; } case eAttackResult.HitUnstyled: case eAttackResult.HitStyle: { if (target != null && target != ad.Target) { message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} but hits {2}!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), target.GetName(0, false), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); excludes.Add(target); // intercept for another player if (target is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.StepsInFront"), ad.Target.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); // intercept by player if (ad.Target is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.YouStepInFront"), target.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } else { if (ad.Attacker is GamePlayer) { string hitWeapon = "weapon"; if (weapon != null) hitWeapon = GlobalConstants.NameToShortName(weapon.Name); message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} with {2} {3}!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false), ad.Attacker.GetPronoun(1, false), hitWeapon); } else { message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and hits!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); } } break; } default: broadcast = false; break; } #region Prevent Flight if (ad.Attacker is GamePlayer) { GamePlayer attacker = ad.Attacker as GamePlayer; if (attacker.HasAbility(Abilities.PreventFlight) && Util.Chance(10)) { if (IsObjectInFront(ad.Target, 120) && ad.Target.IsMoving) { bool preCheck = false; if (ad.Target is GamePlayer) //only start if we are behind the player { float angle = ad.Target.GetAngle( ad.Attacker ); if (angle >= 150 && angle < 210) preCheck = true; } else preCheck = true; if (preCheck) { Spell spell = SkillBase.GetSpellByID(7083); if (spell != null) { ISpellHandler spellHandler = ScriptMgr.CreateSpellHandler(this, spell, SkillBase.GetSpellLine(GlobalSpellsLines.Reserved_Spells)); if (spellHandler != null) { spellHandler.StartSpell(ad.Target); } } } } } } #endregion #region controlled messages if (ad.Attacker is GameNPC) { IControlledBrain brain = ((GameNPC)ad.Attacker).Brain as IControlledBrain; if (brain != null) { GamePlayer owner = brain.GetPlayerOwner(); if (owner != null) { excludes.Add(owner); switch (ad.AttackResult) { case eAttackResult.HitStyle: case eAttackResult.HitUnstyled: { string modmessage = ""; if (ad.Modifier > 0) modmessage = " (+" + ad.Modifier + ")"; if (ad.Modifier < 0) modmessage = " (" + ad.Modifier + ")"; string attackTypeMsg = "attacks"; if (ad.Attacker.ActiveWeaponSlot == eActiveWeaponSlot.Distance) { attackTypeMsg = "shoots"; } owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.YourHits"), ad.Attacker.Name, attackTypeMsg, ad.Target.GetName(0, false), ad.Damage, modmessage), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); if (ad.CriticalDamage > 0) { owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.YourCriticallyHits"), ad.Attacker.Name, ad.Target.GetName(0, false), ad.CriticalDamage), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } break; } default: owner.Out.SendMessage(message, eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; } } } } if (ad.Target is GameNPC) { IControlledBrain brain = ((GameNPC)ad.Target).Brain as IControlledBrain; if (brain != null) { GameLiving owner_living = brain.GetLivingOwner(); excludes.Add(owner_living); if (owner_living != null && owner_living is GamePlayer && owner_living.ControlledBrain != null && ad.Target == owner_living.ControlledBrain.Body) { GamePlayer owner = owner_living as GamePlayer; switch (ad.AttackResult) { case eAttackResult.Blocked: owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Blocked"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.Parried: owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Parried"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.Evaded: owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Evaded"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.Fumbled: owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Fumbled"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.Missed: if (ad.AttackType != AttackData.eAttackType.Spell) owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Misses"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.HitStyle: case eAttackResult.HitUnstyled: { string modmessage = ""; if (ad.Modifier > 0) modmessage = " (+" + ad.Modifier + ")"; if (ad.Modifier < 0) modmessage = " (" + ad.Modifier + ")"; owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.HitsForDamage"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name, ad.Damage, modmessage), eChatType.CT_Damaged, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); if (ad.CriticalDamage > 0) { owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.CriticallyHitsForDamage"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name, ad.CriticalDamage), eChatType.CT_Damaged, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } break; } default: break; } } } } #endregion // broadcast messages if (broadcast) { Message.SystemToArea(ad.Attacker, message, eChatType.CT_OthersCombat, (GameObject[])excludes.ToArray(typeof(GameObject))); } ad.Target.StartInterruptTimer(ad, interruptDuration); //Return the result return ad; }

Boss and Coder of Ariadolis
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Tolakram » Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:58 pm

Two Handed variance is Alb is controlled by the baseline weapons spec. Max damage by tow hand, variance by the damage line (slash, thrust, crush). For Mid and Hib this is NOT the case. This matches live.

So with that said, somewhere in GamePlayer or GameLiving is where the variance is calculated, and you should see a section for treating Alb two handed differently.
- Mark
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Carnifexe » Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:08 pm

Two Handed variance is Alb is controlled by the baseline weapons spec. Max damage by tow hand, variance by the damage line (slash, thrust, crush). For Mid and Hib this is NOT the case. This matches live.

So with that said, somewhere in GamePlayer or GameLiving is where the variance is calculated, and you should see a section for treating Alb two handed differently.
This was not my question mate im sorry for misunderstanding me

Test toons was
Champion/Hero 50 Largeweapon
Warrior/Skald 50 Axe

Weaponskill was around 1700
50 in the weapon line
~320 Str

i know albion have to spec theyr damage type with the twohand but i mean EVERY twohand also albion too had a huge variance in it just wanted to remove it :/

the damage screen was from a warrior 50 sword + 11 with level 50 backstyle ragnarok dmg 300 - 550 i want a MUCH closer variance
Boss and Coder of Ariadolis
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Tolakram » Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:16 pm

Right, I was just giving a hint for how to find it. Search for erealm.albion and one of those searches should land near the variance code.
- Mark
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Carnifexe » Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:42 pm

Right, I was just giving a hint for how to find it. Search for erealm.albion and one of those searches should land near the variance code.
i think i missunderstand you sorry about but:
Code: Select all
if (weapon != null) { weaponTypeToUse = new InventoryItem(); weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = weapon.Object_Type; weaponTypeToUse.SlotPosition = weapon.SlotPosition; if ((this is GamePlayer) && Realm == eRealm.Albion) { // Albion dual spec penalty, which sets minimum damage to the base damage spec if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsObjectTypesEqual((eObjectType)weapon.Object_Type, eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon) || GameServer.ServerRules.IsObjectTypesEqual((eObjectType)weapon.Object_Type, eObjectType.PolearmWeapon)) { if (weapon.Type_Damage == (int)eDamageType.Crush) { weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = (int)eObjectType.CrushingWeapon; } else if (weapon.Type_Damage == (int)eDamageType.Slash) { weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = (int)eObjectType.SlashingWeapon; } else { weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = (int)eObjectType.ThrustWeapon; } } } }
this just mean that you have to spec a damagetype on albion there is nothing around.

Code: Select all
int lowerboundary = (WeaponSpecLevel(weaponTypeToUse) - 1) * 50 / (ad.Target.EffectiveLevel + 1) + 75; lowerboundary = Math.Max(lowerboundary, 75); //75 lowerboundary = Math.Min(lowerboundary, 125); //125 damage *= (GetWeaponSkill(weapon) + 90.68) / (ad.Target.GetArmorAF(ad.ArmorHitLocation) + 20 * 4.67);
changing on the .max .min wont change anything on the variance
sorry but my eyes hurt :D
Boss and Coder of Ariadolis
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Carnifexe » Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:09 pm

Can be closed fixed thanks tolakram found it after you told me where to :D
Boss and Coder of Ariadolis
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Carnifexe » Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:34 pm

okay this wasnt fixed... just increased the twohand damage seperate and the variance was gone but twohand classes every time did cap dmg -_- so i decreades a bit the twohand dmg and BAM variance was back...

damage *= (GetWeaponSkill(weapon) + 90.68) / (ad.Target.GetArmorAF(ad.ArmorHitLocation) + 20 * 4.67);

this was for the damage but not for the variance i cant find the min dmg valculation also atm its like:


just wanted this like 580 - 625 and did not find where the base at for minimal calculation sorry /summon help :/

Tia Carni
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Carnifexe » Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:59 pm

Ok i tryd it now over 20 times in some ways but became worst anyone who wanna help me out there please?
Boss and Coder of Ariadolis
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Tolakram » Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:11 pm

I can't help without actually getting in the code and placing log.debug stateents everywhere to try an figure out how variance is being calculated. You can try this and see if you can find anything. I thought there as a single or just a few places where variance was calculated.
- Mark
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Carnifexe » Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:56 pm

I can't help without actually getting in the code and placing log.debug stateents everywhere to try an figure out how variance is being calculated. You can try this and see if you can find anything. I thought there as a single or just a few places where variance was calculated.
Code: Select all
/// <summary> /// This method is called to make an attack, it is called from the /// attacktimer and should not be called manually /// </summary> /// <param name="target">the target that is attacked</param> /// <param name="weapon">the weapon used for attack</param> /// <param name="style">the style used for attack</param> /// <param name="effectiveness">damage effectiveness (0..1)</param> /// <param name="interruptDuration">the interrupt duration</param> /// <param name="dualWield">indicates if both weapons are used for attack</param> /// <returns>the object where we collect and modifiy all parameters about the attack</returns> protected virtual AttackData MakeAttack(GameObject target, InventoryItem weapon, Style style, double effectiveness, int interruptDuration, bool dualWield) { return MakeAttack(target, weapon, style, effectiveness, interruptDuration, dualWield, false); } protected virtual AttackData MakeAttack(GameObject target, InventoryItem weapon, Style style, double effectiveness, int interruptDuration, bool dualWield, bool ignoreLOS) { AttackData ad = new AttackData(); ad.Attacker = this; ad.Target = target as GameLiving; ad.Damage = 0; ad.CriticalDamage = 0; ad.Style = style; ad.WeaponSpeed = AttackSpeed(weapon) / 100; ad.DamageType = AttackDamageType(weapon); ad.ArmorHitLocation = eArmorSlot.NOTSET; ad.Weapon = weapon; ad.IsOffHand = weapon == null ? false : weapon.Hand == 2; if (dualWield) ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.MeleeDualWield; else if (weapon == null) ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.MeleeOneHand; else switch (weapon.Item_Type) { default: case Slot.RIGHTHAND: case Slot.LEFTHAND: ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.MeleeOneHand; break; case Slot.TWOHAND: ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.MeleeTwoHand; break; case Slot.RANGED: ad.AttackType = AttackData.eAttackType.Ranged; break; } //No target, stop the attack if (ad.Target == null) { ad.AttackResult = (target == null) ? eAttackResult.NoTarget : eAttackResult.NoValidTarget; return ad; } // check region if (ad.Target.CurrentRegionID != CurrentRegionID || ad.Target.ObjectState != eObjectState.Active) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.NoValidTarget; return ad; } //Check if the target is in front of attacker if (!ignoreLOS && ad.AttackType != AttackData.eAttackType.Ranged && this is GamePlayer && !(ad.Target is GameKeepComponent) && !(IsObjectInFront(ad.Target, 120, true) && TargetInView)) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.TargetNotVisible; return ad; } //Target is dead already if (!ad.Target.IsAlive) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.TargetDead; return ad; } int attackRange = AttackRange; if (ad.Style != null) { if (ad.Style.ID == 358) { attackRange = 300; } } //We have no attacking distance! if (!this.IsWithinRadius(ad.Target, ad.Target.ActiveWeaponSlot == eActiveWeaponSlot.Standard ? Math.Max(AttackRange, ad.Target.AttackRange) : AttackRange)) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.OutOfRange; return ad; } if (RangedAttackType == eRangedAttackType.Long) { RangedAttackType = eRangedAttackType.Normal; } if (!GameServer.ServerRules.IsAllowedToAttack(ad.Attacker, ad.Target, false)) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.NotAllowed_ServerRules; return ad; } if (SpellHandler.FindEffectOnTarget(this, "Phaseshift") != null) { ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.Phaseshift; return ad; } // Apply Mentalist RA5L SelectiveBlindnessEffect SelectiveBlindness = EffectList.GetOfType<SelectiveBlindnessEffect>(); if (SelectiveBlindness != null) { GameLiving EffectOwner = SelectiveBlindness.EffectSource; if (EffectOwner == ad.Target) { if (this is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)this).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)this).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.InvisibleToYou"), ad.Target.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.NoValidTarget; return ad; } } // DamageImmunity Ability if ((GameLiving)target != null && ((GameLiving)target).HasAbility("DamageImmunity")) { //if (ad.Attacker is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)ad.Attacker).Out.SendMessage(string.Format("{0} can't be attacked!", ad.Target.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.NoValidTarget; return ad; } //Calculate our attack result and attack damage ad.AttackResult = ad.Target.CalculateEnemyAttackResult(ad, weapon); // calculate damage only if we hit the target if (ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitUnstyled || ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitStyle) { double damage = AttackDamage(weapon) * effectiveness; if (Level > ServerProperties.Properties.MOB_DAMAGE_INCREASE_STARTLEVEL && ServerProperties.Properties.MOB_DAMAGE_INCREASE_PERLEVEL > 0 && damage > 0 && this is GameNPC && (this as GameNPC).Brain is IControlledBrain == false) { double modifiedDamage = ServerProperties.Properties.MOB_DAMAGE_INCREASE_PERLEVEL * (Level - ServerProperties.Properties.MOB_DAMAGE_INCREASE_STARTLEVEL); damage += (modifiedDamage * effectiveness); } InventoryItem armor = null; if (ad.Target.Inventory != null) armor = ad.Target.Inventory.GetItem((eInventorySlot)ad.ArmorHitLocation); InventoryItem weaponTypeToUse = null; if (weapon != null) { weaponTypeToUse = new InventoryItem(); weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = weapon.Object_Type; weaponTypeToUse.SlotPosition = weapon.SlotPosition; if ((this is GamePlayer) && Realm == eRealm.Albion) { // Albion dual spec penalty, which sets minimum damage to the base damage spec if (GameServer.ServerRules.IsObjectTypesEqual((eObjectType)weapon.Object_Type, eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon) || GameServer.ServerRules.IsObjectTypesEqual((eObjectType)weapon.Object_Type, eObjectType.PolearmWeapon)) { if (weapon.Type_Damage == (int)eDamageType.Crush) { weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = (int)eObjectType.CrushingWeapon; } else if (weapon.Type_Damage == (int)eDamageType.Slash) { weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = (int)eObjectType.SlashingWeapon; } else { weaponTypeToUse.Object_Type = (int)eObjectType.ThrustWeapon; } } } } int lowerboundary = (WeaponSpecLevel(weaponTypeToUse) - 1) * 50 / (ad.Target.EffectiveLevel + 1) + 75; lowerboundary = Math.Max(lowerboundary, 75); //75 lowerboundary = Math.Min(lowerboundary, 125); //125 damage *= (GetWeaponSkill(weapon) + 90.68) / (ad.Target.GetArmorAF(ad.ArmorHitLocation) + 20 * 4.67); // Badge Of Valor Calculation 1+ absorb or 1- absorb if (ad.Attacker.EffectList.GetOfType<BadgeOfValorEffect>() != null) { damage *= 1.0 + Math.Min(0.85, ad.Target.GetArmorAbsorb(ad.ArmorHitLocation)); } else { damage *= 1.0 - Math.Min(0.85, ad.Target.GetArmorAbsorb(ad.ArmorHitLocation)); } damage *= (lowerboundary + Util.Random(50)) * 0.01; ad.Modifier = (int)(damage * (ad.Target.GetResist(ad.DamageType) + SkillBase.GetArmorResist(armor, ad.DamageType)) * -0.01); damage += ad.Modifier; // RA resist check int resist = (int)(damage * ad.Target.GetDamageResist(GetResistTypeForDamage(ad.DamageType)) * -0.01); eProperty property = ad.Target.GetResistTypeForDamage(ad.DamageType); int secondaryResistModifier = ad.Target.SpecBuffBonusCategory[(int)property]; int resistModifier = 0; resistModifier += (int)((ad.Damage + (double)resistModifier) * (double)secondaryResistModifier * -0.01); damage += resist; damage += resistModifier; ad.Modifier += resist; ad.Damage = (int)damage; // apply total damage cap ad.UncappedDamage = ad.Damage; ad.Damage = Math.Min(ad.Damage, (int)(UnstyledDamageCap(weapon) * effectiveness)); if ((this is GamePlayer && weapon.Hand != 1 || (this is GameNPC && (this as GameNPC).Brain is IControlledBrain && this.Realm != 0)) && target is GamePlayer) { ad.Damage = (int)((double)ad.Damage * ServerProperties.Properties.PVP_MELEE_DAMAGE); } else if ((this is GamePlayer && weapon.Hand != 1 || (this is GameNPC && (this as GameNPC).Brain is IControlledBrain && this.Realm != 0)) && target is GameNPC) { ad.Damage = (int)((double)ad.Damage * ServerProperties.Properties.PVE_MELEE_DAMAGE); } else if (this is GamePlayer && weapon.Hand == 1 && target is GameNPC) { ad.Damage = (int)((double)ad.Damage * ServerProperties.Properties.TWOHAND_DAMAGE); } else if (this is GamePlayer && weapon.Hand == 1 && target is GamePlayer) { ad.Damage = (int)((double)ad.Damage * ServerProperties.Properties.TWOHAND_DAMAGE); } ad.UncappedDamage = ad.Damage; //Eden - Conversion Bonus (Crocodile Ring) - tolakram - critical damage is always 0 here, needs to be moved if (ad.Target is GamePlayer && ad.Target.GetModified(eProperty.Conversion) > 0) { int manaconversion = (int)Math.Round(((double)ad.Damage + (double)ad.CriticalDamage) * (double)ad.Target.GetModified(eProperty.Conversion) / 100); //int enduconversion=(int)Math.Round((double)manaconversion*(double)ad.Target.MaxEndurance/(double)ad.Target.MaxMana); int enduconversion = (int)Math.Round(((double)ad.Damage + (double)ad.CriticalDamage) * (double)ad.Target.GetModified(eProperty.Conversion) / 100); if (ad.Target.Mana + manaconversion > ad.Target.MaxMana) manaconversion = ad.Target.MaxMana - ad.Target.Mana; if (ad.Target.Endurance + enduconversion > ad.Target.MaxEndurance) enduconversion = ad.Target.MaxEndurance - ad.Target.Endurance; if (manaconversion < 1) manaconversion = 0; if (enduconversion < 1) enduconversion = 0; if (manaconversion >= 1) (ad.Target as GamePlayer).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation((ad.Target as GamePlayer).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.GainPowerPoints"), manaconversion), eChatType.CT_Spell, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); if (enduconversion >= 1) (ad.Target as GamePlayer).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation((ad.Target as GamePlayer).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.GainEndurancePoints"), enduconversion), eChatType.CT_Spell, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); ad.Target.Endurance += enduconversion; if (ad.Target.Endurance > ad.Target.MaxEndurance) ad.Target.Endurance = ad.Target.MaxEndurance; ad.Target.Mana += manaconversion; if (ad.Target.Mana > ad.Target.MaxMana) ad.Target.Mana = ad.Target.MaxMana; } // Tolakram - let's go ahead and make it 1 damage rather than spamming a possible error if (ad.Damage == 0) { ad.Damage = 1; // log this as a possible error if we should do some damage to target //if (ad.Target.Level <= Level + 5 && weapon != null) //{ // log.ErrorFormat("Possible Damage Error: {0} Damage = 0 -> miss vs {1}. AttackDamage {2}, weapon name {3}", Name, (ad.Target == null ? "null" : ad.Target.Name), AttackDamage(weapon), (weapon == null ? "None" : weapon.Name)); //} //ad.AttackResult = eAttackResult.Missed; } } //Add styled damage if style hits and remove endurance if missed if (StyleProcessor.ExecuteStyle(this, ad, weapon)) { ad.AttackResult = GameLiving.eAttackResult.HitStyle; } if ((ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitUnstyled || ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitStyle)) { ad.CriticalDamage = GetMeleeCriticalDamage(ad, weapon); } // Attacked living may modify the attack data. Primarily used for keep doors and components. ad.Target.ModifyAttack(ad); if (ad.AttackResult == eAttackResult.HitStyle) { if (this is GamePlayer) { GamePlayer player = this as GamePlayer; string damageAmount = (ad.StyleDamage > 0) ? " (+" + ad.StyleDamage + ")" : ""; player.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(player.Client.Account.Language, "StyleProcessor.ExecuteStyle.PerformPerfectly", ad.Style.Name, damageAmount), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } else if (this is GameNPC) { ControlledNpcBrain brain = ((GameNPC)this).Brain as ControlledNpcBrain; if (brain != null) { GamePlayer owner = brain.GetPlayerOwner(); if (owner != null) { string damageAmount = (ad.StyleDamage > 0) ? " (+" + ad.StyleDamage + ")" : ""; owner.Out.SendMessage(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "StyleProcessor.ExecuteStyle.PerformsPerfectly", Name, ad.Style.Name, damageAmount), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } } } } string message = ""; bool broadcast = true; ArrayList excludes = new ArrayList(); excludes.Add(ad.Attacker); excludes.Add(ad.Target); switch (ad.AttackResult) { case eAttackResult.Parried: message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and is parried!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); break; case eAttackResult.Evaded: message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and is evaded!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); break; case eAttackResult.Missed: message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and misses!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); break; case eAttackResult.Blocked: { message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and is blocked!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); // guard messages if (target != null && target != ad.Target) { excludes.Add(target); // another player blocked for real target if (target is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.BlocksYou"), ad.Target.GetName(0, true), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); // blocked for another player if (ad.Target is GamePlayer) { ((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.YouBlock"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, false), target.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); ((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Stealth(false); } } else if (ad.Target is GamePlayer) { ((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.AttacksYou"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } break; } case eAttackResult.HitUnstyled: case eAttackResult.HitStyle: { if (target != null && target != ad.Target) { message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} but hits {2}!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), target.GetName(0, false), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); excludes.Add(target); // intercept for another player if (target is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.StepsInFront"), ad.Target.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); // intercept by player if (ad.Target is GamePlayer) ((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(((GamePlayer)ad.Target).Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.YouStepInFront"), target.GetName(0, false)), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } else { if (ad.Attacker is GamePlayer) { string hitWeapon = "weapon"; if (weapon != null) hitWeapon = GlobalConstants.NameToShortName(weapon.Name); message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} with {2} {3}!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false), ad.Attacker.GetPronoun(1, false), hitWeapon); } else { message = string.Format("{0} attacks {1} and hits!", ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.GetName(0, false)); } } break; } default: broadcast = false; break; } #region Prevent Flight if (ad.Attacker is GamePlayer) { GamePlayer attacker = ad.Attacker as GamePlayer; if (attacker.HasAbility(Abilities.PreventFlight) && Util.Chance(10)) { if (IsObjectInFront(ad.Target, 120) && ad.Target.IsMoving) { bool preCheck = false; if (ad.Target is GamePlayer) //only start if we are behind the player { float angle = ad.Target.GetAngle( ad.Attacker ); if (angle >= 150 && angle < 210) preCheck = true; } else preCheck = true; if (preCheck) { Spell spell = SkillBase.GetSpellByID(7083); if (spell != null) { ISpellHandler spellHandler = ScriptMgr.CreateSpellHandler(this, spell, SkillBase.GetSpellLine(GlobalSpellsLines.Reserved_Spells)); if (spellHandler != null) { spellHandler.StartSpell(ad.Target); } } } } } } #endregion #region controlled messages if (ad.Attacker is GameNPC) { IControlledBrain brain = ((GameNPC)ad.Attacker).Brain as IControlledBrain; if (brain != null) { GamePlayer owner = brain.GetPlayerOwner(); if (owner != null) { excludes.Add(owner); switch (ad.AttackResult) { case eAttackResult.HitStyle: case eAttackResult.HitUnstyled: { string modmessage = ""; if (ad.Modifier > 0) modmessage = " (+" + ad.Modifier + ")"; if (ad.Modifier < 0) modmessage = " (" + ad.Modifier + ")"; string attackTypeMsg = "attacks"; if (ad.Attacker.ActiveWeaponSlot == eActiveWeaponSlot.Distance) { attackTypeMsg = "shoots"; } owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.YourHits"), ad.Attacker.Name, attackTypeMsg, ad.Target.GetName(0, false), ad.Damage, modmessage), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); if (ad.CriticalDamage > 0) { owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.YourCriticallyHits"), ad.Attacker.Name, ad.Target.GetName(0, false), ad.CriticalDamage), eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } break; } default: owner.Out.SendMessage(message, eChatType.CT_YouHit, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; } } } } if (ad.Target is GameNPC) { IControlledBrain brain = ((GameNPC)ad.Target).Brain as IControlledBrain; if (brain != null) { GameLiving owner_living = brain.GetLivingOwner(); excludes.Add(owner_living); if (owner_living != null && owner_living is GamePlayer && owner_living.ControlledBrain != null && ad.Target == owner_living.ControlledBrain.Body) { GamePlayer owner = owner_living as GamePlayer; switch (ad.AttackResult) { case eAttackResult.Blocked: owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Blocked"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.Parried: owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Parried"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.Evaded: owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Evaded"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.Fumbled: owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Fumbled"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true)), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.Missed: if (ad.AttackType != AttackData.eAttackType.Spell) owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.Misses"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name), eChatType.CT_Missed, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); break; case eAttackResult.HitStyle: case eAttackResult.HitUnstyled: { string modmessage = ""; if (ad.Modifier > 0) modmessage = " (+" + ad.Modifier + ")"; if (ad.Modifier < 0) modmessage = " (" + ad.Modifier + ")"; owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.HitsForDamage"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name, ad.Damage, modmessage), eChatType.CT_Damaged, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); if (ad.CriticalDamage > 0) { owner.Out.SendMessage(string.Format(LanguageMgr.GetTranslation(owner.Client.Account.Language, "GameLiving.AttackData.CriticallyHitsForDamage"), ad.Attacker.GetName(0, true), ad.Target.Name, ad.CriticalDamage), eChatType.CT_Damaged, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow); } break; } default: break; } } } } #endregion // broadcast messages if (broadcast) { Message.SystemToArea(ad.Attacker, message, eChatType.CT_OthersCombat, (GameObject[])excludes.ToArray(typeof(GameObject))); } ad.Target.StartInterruptTimer(ad, interruptDuration); //Return the result return ad; }
This was the protected virtual AttackData MakeAttack i think there must it be ?!

Greetings Carni
Boss and Coder of Ariadolis
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Tolakram » Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:35 pm

Yea, right here:

int lowerboundary = (WeaponSpecLevel(weaponTypeToUse) - 1) * 50 / (ad.Target.EffectiveLevel + 1) + 75;
lowerboundary = Math.Max(lowerboundary, 75); //75
lowerboundary = Math.Min(lowerboundary, 125); //125

--> damage *= (GetWeaponSkill(weapon) + 90.68) / (ad.Target.GetArmorAF(ad.ArmorHitLocation) + 20 * 4.67);

So first the lower boundary is calculated, then we make sure it's somewhere between 75 and 125. So the question is, when doing your two handed tests, what is the initial result of lowerboundary and then is it adjusted. I'm betting it ends up at 75, but I'm not sure why. 75% would give a lot of variance.

That last equation is the magic equation, put in years ago, that allowed DOL to mimic live damage against mobs. There is a corresponding armor reduction equation for mobs that does the same thing.

Anyway, we go through a few lines of crap and then get to this:

damage *= (lowerboundary + Util.Random(50)) * 0.01;

So let's run that for a few numbers for fun, and let's assume the initial damage is 100, lower boundary is 75, and look at it for various random numbers between 0 and 50 (Util.Random(50))

100 * ((75 + 0) * .01) = 75
100 * ((75 + 25) * .01) = 100
100 * ((75 + 50) * .01) = 125

So in the above case variance will cause damage to range between 75 and 125. You can also see that since the variance is a percentage the larger the damage number the bigger the raw variance, even though the percentage of damage is the same.

Doing the same, but this time with 125 as lower boundary, which should simulate someone with a fully specced weapon.

100 * ((125 + 0) * .01) = 125
100 * ((125 + 25) * .01) = 150
100 * ((125 + 50) * .01) = 175

So as you can see, for the same base damage, the variance is the same but overall damage is increased.

Now I have no clue if this equation is correct for all weapons, but there it is. You could reduce variance by either increasing the minimum lowerboundary allowed or changing the Util.Chance(50) to a smaller number, keeping in mind this would reduce all damage as it also reduced variance.

Good luck! :D
- Mark
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Carnifexe » Sun Aug 17, 2014 6:24 pm

Thanks Tolakram but when i tell ya, as id understand you right, changed the

lowerboundary = Math.Max(lowerboundary, 125); //75
lowerboundary = Math.Min(lowerboundary, 125); //125

so there wasnt any changes about damage variation ?

trying to test about the util random.

will call ya back about
Boss and Coder of Ariadolis
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Tolakram » Sun Aug 17, 2014 6:31 pm

Thanks Tolakram but when i tell ya, as id understand you right, changed the

lowerboundary = Math.Max(lowerboundary, 125); //75
lowerboundary = Math.Min(lowerboundary, 125); //125

so there wasnt any changes about damage variation ?

trying to test about the util random.

will call ya back about
Right, there would not be a change in variance because it's still using a random number between 0 and 50 for the calculation. All your change does is increase all damage, but keep the variance.
- Mark
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Re: Twohand Styledamage Variance

Postby Carnifexe » Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:13 pm

Thanks Tolakram but when i tell ya, as id understand you right, changed the

lowerboundary = Math.Max(lowerboundary, 125); //75
lowerboundary = Math.Min(lowerboundary, 125); //125

so there wasnt any changes about damage variation ?

trying to test about the util random.

will call ya back about
Right, there would not be a change in variance because it's still using a random number between 0 and 50 for the calculation. All your change does is increase all damage, but keep the variance.

okay changed the utilrandom number to 0 and there is absolutly NO variance except of if you get hit on legs or hands

374 374 374 374 374 430 legs 374 374 430 hands etc also it means the .Random(50)) will be count as 50% variance so if i change it to ~ 5 it will be 5% of variance at all or did i misunderstand it ?
Boss and Coder of Ariadolis
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