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Re: DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:23 am
by Etaew
Thats about as detailed as I can get with the SDK and VS. Off to bed now.

ValleyOfNeustria.exe!DXUT::DXUTLock::~DXUTLOCK() Line 31 +0x1d bytes

Show dissassembly:
--- p:\gamedev\dxut\src\dxut.cpp -----------------------------------------------
0043FEC0 push ebp
0043FEC1 mov ebp,esp
0043FEC3 push ecx
0043FEC4 mov dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx
0043FEC7 movzx eax,byte ptr [DXUT::g_bThreadSafe (65CAEDh)]
0043FECE test eax,eax
0043FED0 je DXUT::DXUTLock::~DXUTLock+1Dh (43FEDDh)
0043FED2 push offset DXUT::g_cs (7A3068h)
0043FED7 call dword ptr [__imp__LeaveCriticalSection@4 (58F0E8h)]
-> 0043FEDD mov esp,ebp
0043FEDF pop ebp
0043FEE0 ret

Re: DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:33 am
by SteveSegreto2
Thanks Etaew!

The problem was game paths with spaces in their names. I fixed the model viewer and re-uploaded to the 7-zip file. I'm updating the links inline in this forum.

Thanks to the DOL community and I hope all enjoy this!

Re: DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:08 am
by Etaew
Steve fixed my issue with new build, it didn't like spaces in the path.

Re: DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:24 pm
by SteveSegreto2
I've had some people PM me asking me what this program is good for, or what it's supposed to be used for, or how it relates to DOL/Storm/Uthgard. The answer is - It's not good for anything but amusement. It is *NOT* a DAOC client, it does not communicate with any servers, it can't be used to cheat, it can't be used to edit DAOC files or create your own zones.

It's just a program for people to look at the DAOC artwork without having to wait for the regular game to load and without having to take the time to walk to locations in the regular game client (in which the character's walk so slow it's painful).

I posted it here b/c I used some information from the DOL forums and the DOL public database during its development, so I wanted to give back a little.

Re: DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:03 pm
by Etaew
People I imagine were worried about maintaining integrity of their servers if networking support was added to your client, but it's a good map viewer, I enjoyed the proof of concept and is something I do want for this project to have our own client :)

Re: DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:31 pm
by Graveen
Yes, a nice stuff, Steve, thank you for sharing.

Re: DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:49 pm
by tryagain
The title of the post is DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source. Did I miss the "source" part somewhere? I would be interested in the source part.

Re: DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source

PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:24 pm
by SteveSegreto2
Oops a typo in the title, I would rather not release the source right now.

Re: DOL Model/Item/Zone viewer source

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:16 pm
by SteveSegreto2
Here's a newer version of the binary if any are interested: DEAD LINK

MOBs in dungeons are implemented as well as zoning between regions, first person view has been improved with first person models, XBOX joypad for PC works better now. This version will start you in Vendo Caverns and you can walk out to Vale of Mularn.

