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Fixed AbstractServerRules.cs for Crossrealm Items

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 4:29 pm
by dargon
Per deathwishes old fix

Code: Select all
public virtual bool CheckAbilityToUseItem(GameLiving living, ItemTemplate item) { if (living == null || item == null) return false; GamePlayer player = living as GamePlayer; // GMs can equip everything if (player != null && player.Client.Account.PrivLevel > (uint) ePrivLevel.Player) return true; // allow usage of all house items if ((item.Object_Type == 0 || item.Object_Type >= (int)eObjectType._FirstHouse) && item.Object_Type <= (int)eObjectType._LastHouse) return true; // on some servers we may wish for dropped items to be used by all realms regardless of what is set in the db if (!ServerProperties.Properties.ALLOW_CROSS_REALM_ITEMS) { if (item.Realm != 0 && item.Realm != (int)living.Realm) return false; } // classes restriction. 0 means every class if (player != null && !Util.IsEmpty(item.AllowedClasses, true)) { if (!item.AllowedClasses.SplitCSV(true).Contains(player.CharacterClass.ID.ToString())) return false; } //armor if (item.Object_Type >= (int)eObjectType._FirstArmor && item.Object_Type <= (int)eObjectType._LastArmor) { int armorAbility = -1; switch ((eRealm)item.Realm) { case eRealm.Albion: armorAbility = living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.AlbArmor); break; case eRealm.Hibernia: armorAbility = living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.HibArmor); break; case eRealm.Midgard: armorAbility = living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.MidArmor); break; default: // use old system armorAbility = Math.Max(armorAbility, living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.AlbArmor)); armorAbility = Math.Max(armorAbility, living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.HibArmor)); armorAbility = Math.Max(armorAbility, living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.MidArmor)); break; } switch ((eObjectType)item.Object_Type) { case eObjectType.GenericArmor: return armorAbility >= ArmorLevel.GenericArmor; case eObjectType.Cloth: return armorAbility >= ArmorLevel.Cloth; case eObjectType.Leather: return armorAbility >= ArmorLevel.Leather; case eObjectType.Reinforced: case eObjectType.Studded: return armorAbility >= ArmorLevel.Studded; case eObjectType.Scale: case eObjectType.Chain: return armorAbility >= ArmorLevel.Chain; case eObjectType.Plate: return armorAbility >= ArmorLevel.Plate; default: return false; } } // non-armors string abilityCheck = null; string[] otherCheck = new string[0]; // switch ((eObjectType)item.Object_Type) { case eObjectType.GenericItem: return true; case eObjectType.GenericArmor: return true; case eObjectType.GenericWeapon: return true; case eObjectType.Staff: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Staves; break; case eObjectType.Fired: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Shortbows; break; case eObjectType.FistWraps: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_FistWraps; break; case eObjectType.MaulerStaff: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_MaulerStaff; break; //alb case eObjectType.CrushingWeapon: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Crushing; break; case eObjectType.SlashingWeapon: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Slashing; break; case eObjectType.ThrustWeapon: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Thrusting; break; case eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_TwoHanded; break; case eObjectType.PolearmWeapon: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Polearms; break; case eObjectType.Longbow: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Longbows, Abilities.Weapon_Archery }; break; case eObjectType.Crossbow: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Crossbow; break; case eObjectType.Flexible: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Flexible; break; //TODO: case 5: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Thrown; break; //mid case eObjectType.Sword: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Swords; break; case eObjectType.Hammer: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Hammers; break; case eObjectType.LeftAxe: case eObjectType.Axe: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Axes; break; case eObjectType.Spear: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Spears; break; case eObjectType.CompositeBow: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_CompositeBows, Abilities.Weapon_Archery }; break; case eObjectType.Thrown: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Thrown; break; case eObjectType.HandToHand: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_HandToHand; break; //hib case eObjectType.RecurvedBow: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_RecurvedBows, Abilities.Weapon_Archery }; break; case eObjectType.Blades: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Blades; break; case eObjectType.Blunt: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Blunt; break; case eObjectType.Piercing: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Piercing; break; case eObjectType.LargeWeapons: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_LargeWeapons; break; case eObjectType.CelticSpear: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_CelticSpear; break; case eObjectType.Scythe: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Scythe; break; //misc case eObjectType.Magical: return true; case eObjectType.Shield: return living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.Shield) >= item.Type_Damage; case eObjectType.Bolt: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Crossbow; break; case eObjectType.Arrow: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_CompositeBows, Abilities.Weapon_Longbows, Abilities.Weapon_RecurvedBows, Abilities.Weapon_Shortbows }; break; case eObjectType.Poison: return living.GetModifiedSpecLevel(Specs.Envenom) > 0; case eObjectType.Instrument: return living.HasAbility(Abilities.Weapon_Instruments); //TODO: different shield sizes } if(abilityCheck != null && living.HasAbility(abilityCheck)) return true; foreach (string str in otherCheck) if (living.HasAbility(str)) return true; return false; } /// <summary> /// Get object specialization level based on server type /// </summary> /// <param name="player">player whom specializations are checked</param> /// <param name="objectType">object type</param> /// <returns>specialization in object or 0</returns> public virtual int GetObjectSpecLevel(GamePlayer player, eObjectType objectType) { int res = 0; foreach (eObjectType obj in GetCompatibleObjectTypes(objectType)) { int spec = player.GetModifiedSpecLevel(SkillBase.ObjectTypeToSpec(obj)); if (res < spec) res = spec; } return res; } /// <summary> /// Get object specialization level based on server type /// </summary> /// <param name="player">player whom specializations are checked</param> /// <param name="objectType">object type</param> /// <returns>specialization in object or 0</returns> public virtual int GetBaseObjectSpecLevel(GamePlayer player, eObjectType objectType) { int res = 0; foreach (eObjectType obj in GetCompatibleObjectTypes(objectType)) { int spec = player.GetBaseSpecLevel(SkillBase.ObjectTypeToSpec(obj)); if (res < spec) res = spec; } return res; } /// <summary> /// Checks whether one object type is equal to another /// based on server type /// </summary> /// <param name="type1"></param> /// <param name="type2"></param> /// <returns>true if equals</returns> public virtual bool IsObjectTypesEqual(eObjectType type1, eObjectType type2) { foreach (eObjectType obj in GetCompatibleObjectTypes(type1)) { if (obj == type2) return true; } return false; } #region GetCompatibleObjectTypes /// <summary> /// Holds arrays of compatible object types /// </summary> protected Hashtable m_compatibleObjectTypes = null; /// <summary> /// Translates object type to compatible object types based on server type /// </summary> /// <param name="objectType">The object type</param> /// <returns>An array of compatible object types</returns> protected virtual eObjectType[] GetCompatibleObjectTypes(eObjectType objectType) { if (m_compatibleObjectTypes == null) { m_compatibleObjectTypes = new Hashtable(); m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Staff] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Staff }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Fired] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Fired }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.FistWraps] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.FistWraps }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.MaulerStaff] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.MaulerStaff }; //alb m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.CrushingWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.CrushingWeapon, eObjectType.Blunt, eObjectType.Hammer }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.SlashingWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.SlashingWeapon, eObjectType.Blades, eObjectType.Sword, eObjectType.Axe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.ThrustWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.ThrustWeapon, eObjectType.Piercing }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon, eObjectType.LargeWeapons }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.PolearmWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.PolearmWeapon, eObjectType.CelticSpear, eObjectType.Spear }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Flexible] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Flexible }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Longbow] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Longbow }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Crossbow] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Crossbow }; //TODO: case 5: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Thrown; break; //mid m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Hammer] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Hammer, eObjectType.CrushingWeapon, eObjectType.Blunt }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Sword] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Sword, eObjectType.SlashingWeapon, eObjectType.Blades }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.LeftAxe] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.LeftAxe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Axe] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Axe, eObjectType.SlashingWeapon, eObjectType.Blades, eObjectType.LeftAxe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.HandToHand] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.HandToHand }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Spear] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Spear, eObjectType.CelticSpear, eObjectType.PolearmWeapon }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.CompositeBow] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.CompositeBow }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Thrown] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Thrown }; //hib m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Blunt] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Blunt, eObjectType.CrushingWeapon, eObjectType.Hammer }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Blades] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Blades, eObjectType.SlashingWeapon, eObjectType.Sword, eObjectType.Axe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Piercing] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Piercing, eObjectType.ThrustWeapon }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.LargeWeapons] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.LargeWeapons, eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.CelticSpear] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.CelticSpear, eObjectType.Spear, eObjectType.PolearmWeapon }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Scythe] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Scythe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.RecurvedBow] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.RecurvedBow }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Shield] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Shield }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Poison] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Poison }; //TODO: case 45: abilityCheck = Abilities.instruments; break; } eObjectType[] res = (eObjectType[])m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)objectType]; if (res == null) return new eObjectType[0]; return res; } #endregion
Code: Select all
public virtual bool CheckAbilityToUseItem(GameLiving living, ItemTemplate item) { if (living == null || item == null) return false; //armor if (item.Object_Type >= (int)eObjectType._FirstArmor && item.Object_Type <= (int)eObjectType._LastArmor) { int bestLevel = -1; bestLevel = Math.Max(bestLevel, living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.AlbArmor)); bestLevel = Math.Max(bestLevel, living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.HibArmor)); bestLevel = Math.Max(bestLevel, living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.MidArmor)); switch ((eObjectType)item.Object_Type) { case eObjectType.Cloth: return bestLevel >= 1; case eObjectType.Leather: return bestLevel >= 2; case eObjectType.Reinforced: case eObjectType.Studded: return bestLevel >= 3; case eObjectType.Scale: case eObjectType.Chain: return bestLevel >= 4; case eObjectType.Plate: return bestLevel >= 5; default: return false; } } string[] oneHandCheck = new string[0]; string[] twoHandCheck = new string[0]; string[] otherCheck = new string[0]; // //*&p_li switch ((eObjectType)item.Object_Type) { case eObjectType.GenericItem: return true; case eObjectType.GenericArmor: return true; case eObjectType.GenericWeapon: return true; case eObjectType.Staff: twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Staves }; break; case eObjectType.Fired: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Shortbows }; break; //generic case eObjectType.FistWraps: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_FistWraps }; break; case eObjectType.MaulerStaff: twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_MaulerStaff }; break; //alb case eObjectType.CrushingWeapon: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Crushing, Abilities.Weapon_Blunt, Abilities.Weapon_Hammers }; break; case eObjectType.SlashingWeapon: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Slashing, Abilities.Weapon_Blades, Abilities.Weapon_Swords, Abilities.Weapon_Axes }; break; case eObjectType.ThrustWeapon: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Thrusting, Abilities.Weapon_Piercing }; break; case eObjectType.Flexible: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Flexible }; break; case eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon: twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_TwoHanded, Abilities.Weapon_LargeWeapons }; break; case eObjectType.PolearmWeapon: twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Polearms, Abilities.Weapon_CelticSpear, Abilities.Weapon_Spears }; break; case eObjectType.Longbow: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Longbows, Abilities.Weapon_Archery }; break; case eObjectType.Crossbow: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Crossbow }; break; //mid case eObjectType.Sword: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Swords, Abilities.Weapon_Slashing, Abilities.Weapon_Blades }; twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Swords }; break; case eObjectType.Hammer: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Hammers, Abilities.Weapon_Crushing, Abilities.Weapon_Blunt }; twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Hammers }; break; case eObjectType.LeftAxe: case eObjectType.Axe: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Axes, Abilities.Weapon_Slashing, Abilities.Weapon_Blades }; twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Axes }; break; case eObjectType.HandToHand: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_HandToHand }; break; case eObjectType.Spear: twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Spears, Abilities.Weapon_CelticSpear, Abilities.Weapon_Polearms }; break; case eObjectType.CompositeBow: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_CompositeBows, Abilities.Weapon_Archery }; break; case eObjectType.Thrown: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Thrown }; break; //hib case eObjectType.Blades: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Blades, Abilities.Weapon_Slashing, Abilities.Weapon_Swords, Abilities.Weapon_Axes }; break; case eObjectType.Blunt: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Blunt, Abilities.Weapon_Crushing, Abilities.Weapon_Hammers }; break; case eObjectType.Piercing: oneHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Piercing, Abilities.Weapon_Thrusting }; break; case eObjectType.LargeWeapons: twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_LargeWeapons, Abilities.Weapon_TwoHanded }; break; case eObjectType.CelticSpear: twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_CelticSpear, Abilities.Weapon_Spears, Abilities.Weapon_Polearms }; break; case eObjectType.Scythe: twoHandCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Scythe }; break; case eObjectType.RecurvedBow: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_RecurvedBows, Abilities.Weapon_Archery }; break; //misc case eObjectType.Magical: return true; case eObjectType.Shield: return living.GetAbilityLevel(Abilities.Shield) >= item.Type_Damage; case eObjectType.Arrow: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_CompositeBows, Abilities.Weapon_Longbows, Abilities.Weapon_RecurvedBows, Abilities.Weapon_Shortbows, Abilities.Weapon_Archery }; break; case eObjectType.Bolt: otherCheck = new string[] { Abilities.Weapon_Crossbow }; break; case eObjectType.Poison: return living.GetModifiedSpecLevel(Specs.Envenom) > 0; case eObjectType.Instrument: return living.HasAbility(Abilities.Weapon_Instruments); //housing case eObjectType.GardenObject: return true; case eObjectType.HouseWallObject: return true; case eObjectType.HouseFloorObject: return true; //TODO: different shield sizes } if (item.Item_Type == Slot.RIGHTHAND || item.Item_Type == Slot.LEFTHAND) { foreach (string check in oneHandCheck) { if (living.HasAbility(check)) return true; } } else if (item.Item_Type == Slot.TWOHAND) { foreach (string check in twoHandCheck) { if (living.HasAbility(check)) return true; } } foreach (string check in otherCheck) { if (living.HasAbility(check)) return true; } return false; } /// <summary> /// Get object specialization level based on server type /// </summary> /// <param name="player">player whom specializations are checked</param> /// <param name="objectType">object type</param> /// <returns>specialization in object or 0</returns> public virtual int GetObjectSpecLevel(GamePlayer player, eObjectType objectType) { int res = 0; foreach (eObjectType obj in GetCompatibleObjectTypes(objectType)) { int spec = player.GetModifiedSpecLevel(SkillBase.ObjectTypeToSpec(obj)); if (res < spec) res = spec; } return res; } /// <summary> /// Get object specialization level based on server type /// </summary> /// <param name="player">player whom specializations are checked</param> /// <param name="objectType">object type</param> /// <returns>specialization in object or 0</returns> public virtual int GetBaseObjectSpecLevel(GamePlayer player, eObjectType objectType) { int res = 0; foreach (eObjectType obj in GetCompatibleObjectTypes(objectType)) { int spec = player.GetBaseSpecLevel(SkillBase.ObjectTypeToSpec(obj)); if (res < spec) res = spec; } return res; } /// <summary> /// Checks whether one object type is equal to another /// based on server type /// </summary> /// <param name="type1"></param> /// <param name="type2"></param> /// <returns>true if equals</returns> public virtual bool IsObjectTypesEqual(eObjectType type1, eObjectType type2) { foreach (eObjectType obj in GetCompatibleObjectTypes(type1)) { if (obj == type2) return true; } return false; } #region GetCompatibleObjectTypes /// <summary> /// Holds arrays of compatible object types /// </summary> protected Hashtable m_compatibleObjectTypes = null; /// <summary> /// Translates object type to compatible object types based on server type /// </summary> /// <param name="objectType">The object type</param> /// <returns>An array of compatible object types</returns> protected virtual eObjectType[] GetCompatibleObjectTypes(eObjectType objectType) { if (m_compatibleObjectTypes == null) { m_compatibleObjectTypes = new Hashtable(); m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Staff] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Staff }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Fired] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Fired }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.FistWraps] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.FistWraps }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.MaulerStaff] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.MaulerStaff }; //alb m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.CrushingWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.CrushingWeapon, eObjectType.Blunt, eObjectType.Hammer }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.SlashingWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.SlashingWeapon, eObjectType.Blades, eObjectType.Sword, eObjectType.Axe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.ThrustWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.ThrustWeapon, eObjectType.Piercing }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon, eObjectType.LargeWeapons }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.PolearmWeapon] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.PolearmWeapon, eObjectType.CelticSpear, eObjectType.Spear }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Flexible] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Flexible }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Longbow] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Longbow }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Crossbow] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Crossbow }; //TODO: case 5: abilityCheck = Abilities.Weapon_Thrown; break; //mid m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Hammer] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Hammer, eObjectType.CrushingWeapon, eObjectType.Blunt }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Sword] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Sword, eObjectType.SlashingWeapon, eObjectType.Blades }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.LeftAxe] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.LeftAxe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Axe] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Axe, eObjectType.SlashingWeapon, eObjectType.Blades, eObjectType.LeftAxe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.HandToHand] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.HandToHand }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Spear] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Spear, eObjectType.CelticSpear, eObjectType.PolearmWeapon }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.CompositeBow] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.CompositeBow }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Thrown] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Thrown }; //hib m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Blunt] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Blunt, eObjectType.CrushingWeapon, eObjectType.Hammer }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Blades] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Blades, eObjectType.SlashingWeapon, eObjectType.Sword, eObjectType.Axe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Piercing] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Piercing, eObjectType.ThrustWeapon }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.LargeWeapons] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.LargeWeapons, eObjectType.TwoHandedWeapon }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.CelticSpear] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.CelticSpear, eObjectType.Spear, eObjectType.PolearmWeapon }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Scythe] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Scythe }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.RecurvedBow] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.RecurvedBow }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Shield] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Shield }; m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)eObjectType.Poison] = new eObjectType[] { eObjectType.Poison }; //TODO: case 45: abilityCheck = Abilities.instruments; break; } eObjectType[] res = (eObjectType[])m_compatibleObjectTypes[(int)objectType]; if (res == null) return new eObjectType[0]; return res; } #endregion

Just replace your abstractserverrules and rebuild. I havnt seen an issue yet

Re: Fixed AbstractServerRules.cs for Crossrealm Items

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:05 pm
by Leodagan
Hello !

Thanks for providing your code improvements !

Could you make a "Patch" out of it ? If you're using TortoiseSVN right click on the updated file and Select "Create Patch"

This will build a difference file showing only the lines you edited (pretty easier to review and understand what you did !)

Re: Fixed AbstractServerRules.cs for Crossrealm Items

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:52 pm
by dargon
Done :) also here is where i found the fix again Thanks to Deathwish: ... m&start=15

Re: Fixed AbstractServerRules.cs for Crossrealm Items

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:54 pm
by dargon
tried to read the patch, didnt understand a damn thing on the color coding or what it was showing lol

Re: Fixed AbstractServerRules.cs for Crossrealm Items

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:17 pm
by Tolakram
Something is not right with the patch, it replaces huge chunks of code that look the same. Perhaps a tab, space, or line delimiter issue.

Re: Fixed AbstractServerRules.cs for Crossrealm Items

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:06 pm
by dargon
most likely.. i fatfinger alot. ill make a new version before i go to work

Re: Fixed AbstractServerRules.cs for Crossrealm Items

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:15 pm
by dargon
Here is a new patch hopfully this one is better

Also swiched the .cs up above